Chakan - The Forever man Sega logo truth

Did you know there's a really dark secret behind the Chakan - the forever man Sega logo?
There have been rumors about the sopposed Scream in the Sega logo from the game "Chakan - The forever Man" Many have been either creeped out, have had nightmares, or have been so scared to never touch a Sega genesis Controller or Cardtrige ever again...
The logo begins as a usual Sega logo, not those usual Sonic type logos such as the ones that have Sonic speed by then a voice chanting, "Sega!" or whatever.
The Sega logo is in a black screen, Having the usual "Sega" symbol. The logo shines a glimmer of light across it for about a second, then the logo turns a fire like colour. The bottom is bright yellow while the top is orange.
There is a loud, high pitched scream that goes with the color change. Many believe that this is the character screaming when he loses a life, as it occurs throughout the game, And that the sound is no big deal as it's just a game.
But it's more dark, and ominous than that...
By hacking into the game's ROM, going into the directory:
There is a file there, named; "VictomOfNintendoFan.wav"
It is unknown why it is called this, but rumors have speculated that Sega sends out people in suits to clorophorm unsuspecting nintendo fans who are being watched by Sega inc., and ship them to Sega enterprises, and then burn them alive.
Even children.
Nobody is sure this rumor is true, but the person who started the rumor has died from fire....